Sunday, February 17, 2013

Addison Traffic Ticket Lawyers | Speeding Ticket Attorneys

Searching for a Traffic Ticket Lawyer in Addison, Texas? 

Have outstanding warrants for traffic tickets in Addison, Texas that need to be resolved? Have a hold on your driver's license that needs to be cleared? These are all things that an experienced traffic ticket attorney can assist you with. If you have questions you would like answered or would like to discuss your case directly with our legal staff, feel free to call our office at 817-685-0912.

Addison Speeding Ticket Attorney

Few sights are as disheartening as driving in Addison, Texas and then you see red and blue lights flashing in your rearview mirror. Unfortunately, every day more than 100,000 Americans must endure the sinking feeling that accompanies getting pulled over for speeding. In most cases, a speeding ticket lawyer can keep the speeding ticket from being reported to the Texas Department of Public Safety, thus protecting your driving record and saving you an increase in your insurance rates. Call Jack Byno for help with your speeding ticket at 817-685-0912.

All Addison Traffic Warrants Are Actively Hunted

Make no mistake: with the Great Texas Warrant Roundup in effect, no outstanding Addison warrant will escape notice. When the statewide warrant roundup first started, only a handful of law enforcement agencies from across the state participated. Yet, the original participants were enough to form a solid base for the program, and more entities joined in every year as the Great Texas Warrant Roundup gained steam. Today, as of the end of February, there are 276 law enforcement agencies participating in the warrant roundup; more than half of those agencies are in North Texas alone. Contact Jack Byno, an experienced traffic warrant attorney at 817-685-0912.

Addison Traffic Ticket Lawyer | Speeding Ticket Attorney

Addison Traffic Ticket Attorney Defends Speeding Tickets

Getting a traffic ticket in Addison, Texas may not be the worst thing that has ever happened to you. However, a speeding ticket or other traffic citation has its bad points. For example, if you just pay the ticket it will go on your driving record, which in turn, may lead to state surcharges, a driver's license suspension, and/or higher insurance rates. The bottom line: consult with a traffic ticket attorney before you take action on your traffic violation. The attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates are here to help defend your ticket and if need be, we can be retained for trial, as well. For more details, click one of the links in this blog or call 817-685-0912.

Addison Speeding Ticket Attorney

Few sights are as disheartening as driving in Addison, Texas and then you see red and blue lights flashing in your rearview mirror. Unfortunately, every day more than 100,000 Americans must endure the sinking feeling that accompanies getting pulled over for speeding. In most cases, a speeding ticket lawyer can keep the speeding ticket from being reported to the Texas Department of Public Safety, thus protecting your driving record and saving you an increase in your insurance rates. Call Jack Byno for help with your speeding ticket at 817-685-0912.

What is the Addison Warrant Roundup?

Addison, Texas participates in the statewide warrant roundup. The Great Texas Warrant Roundup began in 2007 as a way for law enforcement agencies across the state to collaborate, share information and especially to collectively crack down on outstanding warrants for traffic citations and other relatively minor legal violations. Often, police are not particularly proactive about executing these misdemeanor and traffic offense warrants; the warrant roundup helps spur officers into action on warrants that otherwise may go ignored for extended periods of time. Call Jack Byno at 817-685-0912.

Addison Traffic Ticket Attorneys | Speeding Ticket Lawyers

Addison Traffic Ticket Attorney Represent Speeding & Other Violations

The attorneys at Jack Byno & Associates represent clients in the City of Addison, Texas as well, as most communities throughout the greater Dallas - Fort Worth area. Out firm is dedicated  to handling traffic tickets and driver's license suspension cases only! Other attorneys may dabble with representing clients in municipal and justice courts, but it 100% of our practice. If you have a matter that is not within the scope of our practice, we will be happy to give you a referral to another law firm. If you have a traffic ticket, you will find few attorneys with as much experience as Jack Byno. We can be reached at 817-685-0912.

Consequences of Just Paying a Speeding Ticket in Addison

Get a speeding ticket in Addison, Texas? Surcharges, license penalties, higher insurance rates and even arrest if your fine goes unpaid are just a smattering of the potential broader implications of a speeding ticket. Shockingly, only 5 percent of people who receive a speeding ticket try to contest it. Yet, when contested with the help of an attorney, most speeding ticket cases end in either a complete dismissal or a reduced punishment. If you want to keep a speeding ticket off your record or avoid any of the long-term consequences that a ticket may bring about, you do have options. Contact a Texas traffic violation attorney today for help fighting your speeding ticket at 817-685-0912.

Addison, Texas School Zone and Traffic Violation Defense Lawyer

If you or your child was charged with a traffic or school zone violation in Addison, Texas, you probably have many concerns. School suspension, driver's license suspension and fines are just some of consequences you may face if convicted. In addition, you may be concerned about the far-reaching effects of the violation, such as your job or permanent school record. For more information, please call the attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates at 817-685-0912.

Addison Traffic Ticket Attorney | Speeding Ticket Lawyer

Handle Your Addison Speeding Ticket Today!

If you are facing any sort of traffic violation, including a speeding ticket, in Addison, Texas, it is important to pay careful attention to court dates and contact an experienced attorney in your area for help. While a traffic ticket may seem like an inconvenience, ignoring the ticket can only lead to bigger problems later on, such as, driver's license suspension. Unfortunately, many people tend to ignore the citation and hope it will go away on its own. The reality is that a warrant can and will be issued if you fail to take care of the ticket, even for minor offenses and small fines. Depending on the type of warrant, you may have an opportunity to appear in court and fight the charges or pay the fine without the embarrassment of an arrest. For more information about handling your traffic ticket contact the Law Office of Jack Byno at 817-685-0912.

Navigate the Addison Legal System With a Traffic Ticket Attorney

Having a lawyer handle Addison traffic citations on your behalf can protect your rights, your hard-earned money, your driver's license and even your freedom. Attorneys who focus their practice on resolving traffic tickets and other citations on behalf of their clients have the knowledge and skill necessary to navigate the often-confusing legal system. They educate you about your options (paying the speeding ticket, community service, etc.), examine your specific situation to determine what the best course of action for you is, and then work to resolve the matter in the most beneficial way possible. Where you might not be comfortable approaching a judge to seek a payment plan or negotiating with the prosecutor to reduce or drop charges, an experienced attorney can make an effective argument on your behalf. Contact a lawyer with two decades of experience in traffic court at 817-685-0912.

Penalties for Non-Payment of Addison Traffic Tickets

Even a single unpaid addison traffic ticket could potentially result in a bench warrant for your arrest, accrual of interest on your fine, additional court or filing fees, a blemish on your driving record (for traffic-related citations), you being prohibited from renewing your driver's license or vehicle registration, and/or intervention of a collection agency (and the often-harassing ways in which they attempt to recover past due amounts). Let the attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates help you today by calling 817-685-0912.