Jack Byno, Hunt County Traffic Ticket lawyer represents clients with warrant roundup issues and speeding tickets, including CDL holders.Call 817-685-0912.
Do you have a traffic warrant in Hunt County, Texas? Was a Failure to Appear (FTA) issued against you? Where you charged with Violation of Promise to Appear (VPTA)? If you have been contacted regarding your citation, it is time to call an experienced lawyer. I am attorney Jack Byno, and I can help you lift your warrant, before you are arrested.
Traffic warrants lifted and speeding tickets defended in the following Hunt County cities and many more: Caddo Mills, Celeste, Clinton, Commerce, Greenville, Quinlan, West Tawakoni, and Wolfe City. Principle office located at 2319 Hall Johnson Road, Suite B, Colleyville, TX 76034. Call 817-685-0912.