Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Kaufman, Texas Warrant Roundup Attorney | Speeding Ticket Lawyer

Make no mistake: with the Great Texas Warrant Roundup in effect, no outstanding warrant will escape notice. When the warrant roundup first started, only a handful of law enforcement agencies from across the state participated. Yet, the original participants were enough to form a solid base for the program, and more entities joined in every year as the Great Texas Warrant Roundup gained steam. Today, as of the end of February, there are 276 law enforcement agencies participating in the warrant roundup; more than half of those agencies are in North Texas alone. Contact Jack Byno, an experienced traffic warrant attorney at 817-685-0912.


If you have been issued a traffic ticket in Arlington, Texas or charged with a matter involving a motor vehicle violation, as a CDL holder, you may loose your driving privileges, pay significant fines, and/or lose your job. Even a simple speeding ticket may cost you your job. Jack Byno, traffic ticket and CDL defense attorney, provides assertive and accomplished traffic ticket defense for truckers and other commercial vehicle drivers holding a commercial driver's license (CDL). Jack Byno defends CDL holders faced with serious traffic violations in the greater Dallas - Fort Worth Metroplex. Call 817-685-0912.

Traffic warrants lifted and speeding tickets defended in the following Kaufman County cities and many more: Crandall, Forney, Kaufman, Kemp, Mabank, Oak Grove, Oak Ridge, Scurry, Talty and Terrell.  Principle office located at 2319 Hall Johnson Road, Suite B, Colleyville, TX 76034. Call 817-685-0912.