The options You have when You Receive A Speeding Ticket In Coppell
When your get a speeding ticket in Coppell, Texas or some other traffic violation you have several options of how to proceed. You can plead no contest or guilty and pay the fine, plead not guilty and request a trial, request a driving safety course (DSC), or request deferred disposition (probation). Which option is best for you will depend upon the facts of your case, your age, driver's license status and type, and other items. Contact the traffic ticket attorneys at Jack Byno & Associates to discuss your speeding ticket at 817-685-0912.
Coppell, Texas Residents Will Be Arrested When The Next Warrant Roundup Begins.
If you have been issued a traffic citation in Coppell, Texas, it's not too late to save yourself from an embarrassing arrest, possible jail time and other penalties, even if a warrant has already been issued in your name. If you deal with the problem proactively, you may still have the opportunity to fight the charges against you with the help of a Texas traffic warrant lawyer. If you have been ticketed for a traffic violation, get out ahead of the upcoming warrant roundup and get in touch with one of our lawyers today at 817-685-0912.
Attorney Makes CDL Defense In Coppell A Priority
I only represent clients with cases involving driving records and other Class C Misdemeanors in Coppell and elsewhere. Other attorneys dabble in traffic tickets, amongst other things, but it is what I do by choice. A large portion of my traffic ticket defense practice is devoted to helping CDL holders keep their driving records clean. No attorney can guarantee the outcome of a case, but with Jack Byno & Associates you will have our full attention. Contact the CDL defense attorneys that understand what is at stake for you at 817-685-0912.
Attorney Makes CDL Defense In Coppell A Priority