Deferred Disposition or Adjudication For Speeding In Irving, Texas
In an effort to keep the Irving speeding ticket off your driving record, the most likely outcome that the attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates will be able to achieve is deferred adjudication. Deferred adjudication (also called deferred disposition) is a type of probation that may be given in traffic court. Typically, you are required to pay some money on the traffic citation and agree not to get another traffic violation for a certain period of time. You may also have to take defensive driving if you are under 25 years of age. Contact us today to see if your qualify for probation at 817-685-0912.
Traffic Warrants in Irving are Serious
Traffic warrants in Irving, Texas can be a serious matter. If you have not taken care of an active warrant, you could be arrested and brought to jail in the coming weeks. In the city of Dallas alone, there are more than one million outstanding warrants, each of them a potential target in this year's Great Texas Warrant Roundup. Getting slapped in handcuffs and being hauled off to jail is enough to ruin anyone's day. If you have unpaid traffic citations, get out ahead of the statewide warrant roundup: contact a Texas traffic warrant lawyer today at 817-685-0912.
Irving (And Other Cities) North Texas Transportation Authority Violations Attorney
Attorney Jack Byno represents clients with traffic tickets in Irving, Texas, as well as those issued by The North Texas Transportation Authority (NTTA) which maintains the operation of toll roads in North Texas. Many individuals choose to pay toll fees via cashless tolling, using a Toll Tag that is registered to a specific vehicle. Every time that vehicle passes through a toll, the owner's account is debited. If You do not have a toll tag then you must pay a the toll upon receiving a bill via US mail. failure to do so will result in a fail to be toll ticket being written to you. If that is not paid, then a warrant for arrest will be issued against you. Let the attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates resolve your toll violation problem. Call us at 817-685-0912.
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